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Before and After School Clubs and Activities at St Joseph's School


Breakfast Club starts at 7.30am each day and operates until school opens.  The club is held in the school hall and is run by current members of staff.  Parents can drop their children at the outside kitchen door, which is situated near the Junior Playground gates.  Each child receives a healthy breakfast and also has the opportunity to complete any homework assignments or just have some fun until school starts.  At 8.30am, juniors make their own way to the classroom and infants are escorted by the club staff to their class teacher.

You will need to register your place, book and pay for your sessions via Parentmail.   The cost for the Breakfast club (including breakfast) remains at £4.00 per session.


 If you need login details please contact Mrs Evans in the school office. 


After-school clubs are run by both school staff and outside agencies.  Please ensure you have registered an interest, in Parentmail, for school run clubs; when information is sent out. 


For more information on any of these, please contact Mrs Evans in the school office.



During the school day, a range of private music lessons are available.  Instruments which our pupils are currently learning include piano, guitar and violin. 

For more information and to obtain contact details of the private teachers, please contact Mrs Evans in the school office.

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