
At St Joseph’s we teach the skill of reading and writing through our daily phonics program, Sounds~Write.
What lessons look like
If you talk to any of our children they will be sure to tell you how much they enjoy their Sounds~Write lessons. Its structure and simplicity makes it a programme accessible to all learners and helps them to make good progress with their reading and spelling.
We explicitly teach the children the 3 skills of:
- blending (putting sounds together to read a word)
- segmenting (breaking a word into sounds to spell)
- Phoneme manipulation (sound swapping).
Children in Reception to Year 4 take part in 30 minute lessons daily, where they play games to learn various spellings, read and build words. Our older children in Year 5 and 6 have a 15 minute Sounds~Write lesson supporting them in reading and spelling polysyllabic words such as inconspicuous and personification. The level of challenge in each year group is carefully considered and reflects the teaching of our English lessons across the school.
More information
If you would like to learn more about our approach to phonics, please register for the online course, free for everyone! Click here to see the course and register online.