NSPCC Information for Children and Parents.
At St Joseph's Primary school we are committed to keeping our children safe.
One of the many ways we teach our children about safeguarding is through regular NSPCC workshops and assemblies. These are linked to the children's British Values of 'Individual Liberty' and their rights to be safe, to be heard and to get help when they need it.
This also supports and enhances our specifically tailored PSHE curriculum designed to meet the needs of our children.

Click on the image above for the NSPCC website where you will find lots of additional support and resources for both adults and children.
In today’s world, ever increasing technologies have also made it easier for children to become targeted online.
Children are so computer-literate these days and are able to access a wide range of apps, games and web browsers, it can often be difficult to keep an eye on what they are doing and
who they are in contact with.
We want to be able to provide you with any guidance or workshops that would be beneficial for internet safety at home.
We recently welcomed the NSPCC to deliver a Parent workshop on keeping children safe online. Additional 'NetAware' resources are avaliable in the office upon request.
For further information and guidance please click on the picture below...