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Meet Our Trustees

Our school is supported by a team of unpaid volunteers who make up the Trustees' Body.  Trustees act as  "critical friends" to the school.  They are there to question, advise, support and challenge the senior leaders and to do so they draw on any specific professional skills they may have, or simply on the wisdom that comes with age and experience. 

Trustees' core role is to take an objective and strategic view across all issues impacting upon the school.  They are required to help determine and ratify school policies, especially those legally required, but do not normally get involved in how policies are implemented.  The staff are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school and a trustees role is strategic, not operational.  That means that the Trustees are there to make sure that the policies and practices follow legal  requirements, so that the school provides a good education in a safe, secure environment.  And since St Joseph’s is a Catholic school, Trustees are also there to support the Catholicity of the school and to ensure that the school’s policies and practice meet the requirements of the Bishop of Clifton.

There are 4 full Trustee meetings each year and also a number of sub-committee meetings. All trustees are required to participate actively, including in at least one these trustees’ sub-committees.  Foundation and Parent trustees are encouraged to visit the school during the working day if at all possible.  Governors are linked to specific areas of focus linked to the School Development Plan plus those areas that are statutory required.


The Members of the Academy and sit above the Trustees are:

The Bishop of the Diocese of Clifton - Bishop Bosco

Diocese of Clifton Director of Education - Mrs Mary Cox

The Financial Secretary of CCDEF - Ms Lynn Murray

Chair of Trustees - Mrs Julie Boyle

The Trustees of St Joseph's are:

Position/Type of Trustee Name Appointed Governor role in another Educational Establishment Business/
Pecuniary Interests
Chair of Trustees
(Foundation Trustee)

Mrs Julie Boyle


1/11/24 - 31/10/28





Vice Chairs of Trustees
(Foundation Trustee)

Mrs Anne Schwodler




Mr Kevin Maidment 07/02/23-06/02/27 No No
Mr Mike Midcalf 08/03/24-07/03/28 No No
Staff Trustees Miss Gemma Payne 01/09/23-31/08/27 No No
Mrs Yvonne Wilkins 01/09/17-31/08/50 No No
Parent Elected Trustees Mr Mark Revening 20/03/23-19/03/27 No No

*Trustees are appointed for a 4 year term.

The Trustees are supported by a Clerk, the Clerk to the Trustees is: Mr Danny Holland who can be contacted either by speaking to the School Office or by email: dholland@stjosdevizes.wilts.sch.uk

The Co-Chair of Trustees can be contacted either by speaking to the School Office (who will ask them to contact you) or by email: chair@stjosdevizes.wilts.sch.uk

Governor Profiles

Julie Boyle

I am Julie and my daughter attends St Joseph's school. When she started in reception I applied to become a parent governor as I very much wanted to have an active role in school and support our community to help our children thrive. I am now a foundation governor and recently became Chair. I am about to enter my fourth year on the board. My working career has centred around supporting and empowering people experiencing challenges. I have worked in the health and social care sector for almost 20 years, more recently working in victim support services and services supporting families. I am so pleased to be able to continue to support our wonderful school community.

Mike Midcalf

Anne Schwodler


I was appointed as a Foundation Governor at St Joseph’s in March 2022, and see my role as ensuring that all pupils receive the best possible education, in a school that prides itself on living out the Catholic vision and ethos.

I am a practising Catholic and have been an active member of the Parish of Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception for ten years.

As a trained teacher, I have taught children across the primary age range. Prior to joining St Joseph’s Board of Governors, I spent eleven happy years as Headteacher of St Mary’s Infant School in Marlborough and Marlborough St Mary’s Primary School. I retired at the end of December 2022.

It is a great privilege to be a governor at St Joseph’s. I find it hugely rewarding to work with such a wonderful, dedicated school community, to ensure all our children are given the opportunities and support they need to achieve their full potential. 

Kevin Maidment


I was appointed as a Foundation Governor at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School early in 2023 and this is my second term of office as a governor at the school; my first commenced in 1993 and included ten years as the Chair.

I currently work in the field of Safeguarding and have experience working as an independent Safeguarding Consultant. I have been involved in a number of reviews of safeguarding provisions in both local authorities as well as Fire and Rescue Services. Prior to this, I worked in senior management and have significant experience in the fields of operational and resource planning as well as staff management and development. I believe these skills and experiences will allow me to support staff in delivering a first class education.

I am a practicing Catholic and I firmly believe that a Catholic education offers our children a learning and developmental pathway based on the central teachings and values of the bible and Catholic faith, these allowing our children to develop and shine as the individuals they are.

Mark Revening

I became a parent governor at St Joseph’s in March 2023, my daughter who currently is in year two joined reception class in September 2021. Sharing and seeing her growth through her early years and the feel we had as parents was the reason, I wanted to join the school board and be a part of this amazing school. 

Before my appointment I really had no experience in education, having worked lots of several types of jobs including in care, which I spent over 12 years as a senior member of staff. But through the help and knowledge of my fellow board members and senior leaders in school along with training and continued professional development, that lack of experience in the start is quickly being replaced and now I have recently become a link governor in core curriculum subjects of maths and science.  

Bringing a parent's perspective to the governing board, and the opportunity to help the school to allow all children to SHINE and be the best they can be is something I am proud to be part of. 

The Committees & Membership are as follows:


Mrs Yvonne Wilkins

Mrs Julie Boyle



Mrs Yvonne Wilkins

Mrs Anne Schwodler

Mrs Julie Boyle

Audit and Risk

Mrs Anne Schwodler - Chair

Mr Mick Midcalf

Mrs Yvonne Wilkins - no voting rights

Miss Gemma Payne - no voting rights

Mrs Julie Boyle

Mr Kevin Maidment

Mr Mark Revening

Trustee Attendance Record at Full Trustee Meetiings for Academic Year 2024-2025:

Name Term 1 Term 2 Term 4 Term 6    
Mrs Yvonne Wilkins Y Y        
Miss Gemma Payne Y Y        
Mrs Julie Boyle Y Y        
Mrs Anne Schwodler Y Y        
Mr Kevin Maidment A A        
Mr Mark Revening Y Y        
Mr Mick Midcalf Y Y        

Y = In attendance, A = Apologies Given, Abs = Absent, N/A = Not Appointed 

The following are Trustees that stepped down during the Academic Year 2024-2025:

Trustrees Areas of Responsibilities 2024-2025

Health & Safety - Mr Kevin Maidment 

Special Educational Needs - Mrs Julie Boyle

Pupil Premium & Disadvantaged Learners - Mrs Julie Boyle

Foundation Subjects - Mrs Anne Schwodler

Maths, English, Science - Mr Mark Revening 

Phonics - Mrs Anne Schwodler

Child Protection & Safeguarding - Mrs Julie Boyle

Early Years Foundation Stage - Mrs Anne Schwodler

Mission & Ethos - All Governors

Catholicity & RE - Mrs Anne Schwodler 

Attendance - Mr Mark Revening

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