Statutory Assessments
Week beginning 15th June
Phonics Screening tests are administered to Y1 pupils, and those in Y2 who did not reach the standard when they were in Y1.
These tests are administered by a teacher to one pupil at a time. Included in the test are phonic patterns which are not real words. The children know them as "alien" words. These are included to assess their understanding of building sounds from letter patterns.
KS1 (Y2)
The month of May
Standard Assessment Tests (SAT's) are administered to Y2 pupils to assess and track their progress.
Reading and maths is assessed using test materials (marked by the teacher), and writing assessment is carried out by the teacher based on the child's written work throughout the year.
The children are not told that they are tests - they think that they are doing "special work".
There is an optional grammar test available, also.
KS2 (Y6)
11th - 14th May
Y6 children take the KS2 SAT's.
Grammar & spelling
Maths (1 & 2)
Maths (3)
The school can choose what time of day to organise each test. If a child is ill on one of the days, it may be possible for them to take a test another time.
Information Evenings
There will be information evenings run by the teachers for parents of children taking assessments so that everyone understands what is going to take place, and how best to prepare their child.
KS1 SATs information for Parents.
Reporting to Parents
The outcomes of the tests will be reported to parents in July.
Parents will be told whether their child is working at the expected level for their age, or below expected.
The information for Y6 children will also be shared with their chosen secondary school.
On-going Assessment in School
Assessment is the word used to describe what teachers do to find out what the children know and how well they are learning. The information from different types of assessment is used to inform planning and decide on children's next steps.
At St Joseph's, assessment is happening all of the time, throughout every lesson, as well as through more formal test situations.
- explain clearly what the learning intentions are and how they can be achieved
- listen to children's responses and observe what they are doing
- mark the work when it has been completed and give feedback as to how children can improve
- help the children to make judgements about their own work referring to how they can be successful and what their targets are
- help the children to support each other by commenting on each other's work
- encourage children to work on their targets and next steps