All children are naturally inquisitive and are often asking questions. From Reception children asking which car will travel down a ramp fastest to Year 6 children asking if more cells make my lightbulb shine brighter, children are fascinated by the world around them and are eager to find out the hows and whys.
At St Joseph’s, our science lessons not only enable but also encourage children to ask these questions and to discover the answers. Our engaging and exciting lessons promote a culture where children are eager to share and discuss their ideas and understanding.
Our aim in science is to teach children the knowledge and promote the opportunities to apply their understanding. Children develop their scientific skills and apply them in different ways.
Children apply their knowledge in practical experiments. KS1 conduct experiments to answer questions, ensuring a fair test and explaining their results. This builds throughout lower KS2 and upper KS2, culminating in children asking their own questions, planning and carrying out their own experiments, collecting data and explaining their results.
Our exciting topic-based curriculum allows children to fully immerse themselves in their science learning. Cross-curricular links allow them to demonstrate their understanding.
St Joseph’s children demonstrate a love of learning in their science lessons. Children across the school are eager to participate in lessons, to ask questions and to share their ideas.
Please click below for our curriculum intent, implementation and impact.