School Uniform

At St Joseph's, we firmly believe that our uniform promotes a sense of pride and gives the school a strong and positive identity in the local community. School uniform is compulsory and the Governors thank parents for adhering to the School ethos on uniform, which emphasises traditional values, neatness and tidiness. Extreme hairstyle, trainers and boots do not fit this ethos and are not permitted.
For Health and Safety reasons
- Hair which falls over the child’s face must be held back with a hairband.
- Hair that can be gathered into a ponytail must be tied back with simple accessories.
- A single small stud in each ear is allowed. The stud must be small enough to allow the stud to be covered for sports activities.
- A watch is allowed, but must be removed for sports activities.
- Footwear must be flat and unadorned.
- White shirt or polo shirt under a school navy sweatshirt or cardigan
- Navy blue or grey pinafore, skirt, or trousers
- Plain white, black or blue socks / tights
- Summer dress made of navy blue checked cotton in the summer months
- Black footwear (not trainers or boots)
Girls P.E Kit
- Navy blue shorts, tracksuit bottoms or netball skirt
- St Josephs PE Hoodie (available from OHM Devizes)
- White round-necked T-shirt
- No football kits
- Black plimsolls
- Trainers may be worn for outdoor activities.
- White shirt or polo shirt under a school navy sweatshirt
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Plain grey, black or white socks
- Black footwear (not trainers)
Boys P.E Kit
- Navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms
- St Josephs PE Hoodie (available from OHM Devizes)
- White round-necked T-shirt
- No football kits
- Black plimsolls
- Trainers may be worn for outdoor activities.

The School has an all-weather playing surface therefore children should wear trainers or astroturf sports shoes and not football boots.
School sweatshirts and polo shirts may be purchased from OHM Clothing retail shop which is based in Devizes or Scholars retail shop in Devizes. There maybe a selection of good quality second hand uniform available from the School Office.
Our weather often changes throughout the course of the school day and unfortunately summer cannot be relied upon for warm and sunny weather. Please ensure that your child brings a coat and at least a sweatshirt during summer months. Children can be very unhappy if they are cold during break times.